MR Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

October 18, 2021

MR Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Marketing is a crucial part of any business. It helps to drive sales, increase brand awareness, and build customer loyalty. However, with the rapid advancement of technology, marketing strategies have also evolved. In this blog post, we will compare mixed reality (MR) marketing with traditional marketing to see which one is more effective.

What is Mixed Reality (MR) Marketing?

Mixed reality (MR) is a blend of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). It allows users to interact with digital objects in a real-world environment. MR marketing uses this technology to create hyper-realistic ads and product demonstrations that can engage customers like never before.

Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing refers to the conventional ways of advertising, such as TV commercials, billboards, and print ads. These methods have been used for decades and are still widely popular today.


Let's compare MR marketing and traditional marketing based on different factors:


MR marketing provides an immersive experience that traditional marketing techniques cannot match. It uses innovative technology to create interactive ads that can grab viewers' attention and hold it for longer. According to a study, users engaged with MR experiences 275% more than traditional content.


MR marketing requires specialized equipment and software, making it more expensive than traditional marketing methods. However, the cost can vary depending on the type and quality of the MR experience. Traditional marketing methods, on the contrary, are comparatively affordable, making them accessible to small businesses as well.


Traditional marketing methods have a wider reach as they can target a broad audience. Television, radio, and billboards can reach millions of people at once. However, MR experiences are more personalized, and as a result, have a lower reach.


Both MR marketing and traditional marketing can be effective if used correctly. It depends on the target audience and the desired outcome. According to a study, MR ads resulted in a 20% increase in conversions compared to traditional ads. However, the effectiveness can also depend on the quality and creativity of the marketing campaign.


In conclusion, MR marketing provides a highly engaging and interactive experience that can result in higher conversions. However, it comes with a higher cost and limited reach compared to traditional marketing methods. Traditional marketing methods, on the other hand, have a wider reach and are accessible to small businesses. Both methods are effective if used correctly, and their effectiveness depends on the target audience and the desired outcome.


  • "SpotOn Virtual Smart Glasses: Next Generation of Mixed Reality (MR) & Data Acquisition for Remote Medical Training and Surgery." PROPEL, 12 Mar. 2020,
  • "10 Incredible Stats to Know About Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Marketing." ViewAR, 17 May 2021,

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